这套编程练习使用图形化编程语言Blockly,你可以点击 这里了解更多图形化编程的知识.新手入门 练习 1-12
最短路径 练习 13-18
循环和重复 练习 19-28
带条件的循环 练习 29-32
如果…那么 练习 33-43
红绿灯 练习 44-50
有限的代码块 练习 51-60
函数 练习 61-67
Python levels
The next set of levels introduce you to coding directly with Python. You can read more about Python here.Introduction to Python Levels 80-91
82: Don't forget to find the shortest route
83: Repeating yourself in Python looks different
85: Looks easy but use repeat until and see what happens?
86: See what the if blocks looks like in Python
87: Don't forget to use else if
88: See what happens when you add Traffic lights
89: Watch carefully as you have another go
90: Have a go at procedures - what do they look like in Python?